Our dispensary is open:
9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on Monday to Friday
Please note Repeat prescriptions can be ordered via the prescription order line 01284 723976 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This is an answerphone. Please leave your name, date of birth, telephone number and the list of items you wish to order. The messages are picked up Monday-Friday only
Dispensary can answer queries regarding your medications via the main surgery number and by selecting the correct option between the hours of 11am and 3pm.
The dispensary provide medications for all patients who live more than a mile from the nearest pharmacy. If you live within a mile then you may use the pharmacy of your choice.
We require 72 hours notice for repeat prescriptions and it would be helpful to have longer notice before Public Holidays.
Electronic Prescribing (EPS)
Electronic prescribing was rolled out to the surgery in February 2017. This service allows us to send your prescription electronically to a pharmacy of your choosing and means you will not have to come and collect the prescription in order to take it to the pharmacy. In order to use this service you will need to nominate a pharmacy where you would like to collect your repeat prescriptions. You will still be required to attend the surgery for your medication review when invited, which is usually annually.
For one-off prescriptions you can still use your nominated pharmacy but since these are mostly issued following a face to face consultation you will still need to attend the surgery for this.
You do not need to be able to use a computer to use this service, the people who provide your prescription and medication will do this.
For Patients who use our Dispensary NOTHING WILL CHANGE, since all repeat medication is issued via computer within the surgery already you can request and collect your medication as usual, and our home delivery service will still run.